Steer clear of non-lawyers offering Medicaid planning services

As the U.S. population ages, more non-lawyers are starting businesses that offer Medicaid planning services to seniors. While using one of these services may be cheaper than hiring a lawyer, the ultimate costs may be far greater.

If you use a non-lawyer to do Medicaid planning, they may not have any legal knowledge or training. Bad advice can lead seniors to purchase products or take actions that won’t help them qualify for Medicaid and may actually make it more difficult. The consequences of taking bad advice can include the denial of benefits, a Medicaid penalty period or a tax liability.

As a result of problems that have arisen from non-lawyers offering Medicaid planning services, a few states (Florida, Ohio, New Jersey and Tennessee) have issued regulations or guidelines providing that Medicaid planning by non-lawyers will be considered the unauthorized practice of law.

Applying for Medicaid is a highly technical and complex process. A lawyer knowledgeable about Medicaid law in your state can help you navigate this process and may be able to help your family find significant financial savings or better care. This may involve the use of trusts, transfers of assets, purchases of annuities or increased income and resource allowances for the healthy spouse. Talk to your attorney about what might work for you.

Contact us

Please contact us for competent representation from our experienced law firm that will devote time, energy, and analysis to your legal needs.

Client Testimonials

Several years ago, an unreasonable lawsuit was filed against me and my family. I hired Mr. Gilbert Vara, Jr. to represent my case, and that decision is one of the most important ones I have made in my life. Mr. Vara and his very capable Legal Assistant, Krystin Pechacek, treated me in the most professionally proficient manner, handling matters on time and always corresponding with me, while maintaining a friendly and approachable relationship.

Then, when the time came to take the deposition of the person who filed the lawsuit, Mr. Vara questioned her with dignity and professionalism. I was impressed by this man who I would definitely call a Gentleman. I’m happy to say that Mr. Vara won this lawsuit for me. Therefore, I would highly recommend the law firm of Gilbert Vara to anyone, and should the need arise, I will call him again.

— Linda M.

When dealing with legal matters such as divorce, my expectations were to keep it as simple and as stress-free as possible. Gilbert Vara certainly made that happen. Gilbert sat with me upfront and went through the details of my situation in order to fully understand my needs as well as what I should expect from him.

He took time to discuss my case, and also took time to understand me personally. Gilbert was very clear in laying out a plan for my benefit, how the matter will proceed and finally come to a close. I was able to talk through anything I did not understand and he and his staff were very helpful keeping me updated with the progress of my case. Finally, the case came to a close as simply as possible and without surprises.

— Robert C.
Office Hours

Mon. - Fri.: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

The Spectrum Building
613 N.W. Loop 410, Suite 840
San Antonio, Texas 78216-5507

Phone: (210) 742-1410
Fax: (210) 742-1414

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